Cospas-Sarsat & SAR/Galileo

The International Cospas-Sarsat Programme is a satellite-based search and rescue distress alert detection system. The SAR/Galileo service is Europe’s contribution to the Cospas-Sarsat Programme. Since 2016, CNES has been guaranteeing delivery of the SAR Galileo service on behalf of the European Commission.

Telespazio France has been involved in Cospas-Sarsat and SAR/Galileo service provision with CNES since 2018. Telespazio France is responsible for:

  • SAR/Galileo ground segment operation coordination
  • SAR/Galileo Service Centre and Cospas-Sarsat French ground segment operation (FMCC)
  • System monitoring and anomaly management
  • Logistics, Service Transition, Performance monitoring
  • Technical follow-up and management of Return Link Service and MEOLUTs
  • System evolutions preparations, follow-up and qualifications
  • Tests definition and system expertise
  • Development and Maintenance of the Return Link Test Bed, permanent platform for tests and demonstrations via Galileo Return Link

Beyond these activities, Telespazio France also lead SAR/Galileo service evolution design projects on behalf of the European Commission, such as the SERENITY, GRALLE or STELLAR projects.



The GRALLE project, initiated by the European Commission in 2017, had the objective to define, design and demonstrate an efficient Galileo-based, low latency, reliable and highly standardized Emergency Warning Satellite Service (EWSS) to improve worldwide safety and security.


The STELLAR project, initiated by the European Commission in 2022 and led by Telespazio France, has the objective to prepare the introduction of Emergency Warning Satellite Service (EWSS) in the Galileo 1st Generation (G1G).




The SERENITY project, initiated by the European Commission in 2020 and led by Telespazio France, aims at prototyping and demonstrating a planned evolution of the SAR/Galileo service, to be fully integrated into the existing Cospas-Sarsat system: the Two Way Communication Service (TWC), one of the four planned evolutions of the Return Link Service.